India’s Union Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, invited women nationwide to use the government’s many initiatives. Speaking Hindi at an event – the Credit Outreach Program in Madhubani, she stressed the importance of being involved in these schemes. She said, “Our training has helped women earn more. I urge you all to seize advantages offered by banks with these schemes.” Drawing on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision, Sitharaman spoke of creating ‘Lakhpati Didis’ (millionaire sisters) in all villages. She reassured people that banks would firmly back this scheme.
They’d give financial aid and training through self-help groups (SHGs). “Prime Minister Narendra Modi aims to have a Lakhpati Didi in every village. Banks are ready for any work this entails,” she pledged. During this event, Sitharaman presented people with authorization letters from banks. These were related to different Central Government schemes.
An impressive total of Rs 1,121 crore was given to over 50,000 people during this campaign. These schemes included PM MUDRA, PMEGP, Kisan Credit Card (Crop), KCC (Animal Husbandry & Fisheries), Stand Up India, PM-SVANidhi, PM Vishwakarma, and many agrarian loans.
Moreover, Sitharaman took time to share new editions of the Indian Constitution in Maithili and Sanskrit. These launched on Samvidhan Diwas. She gave them to those at the program and also visited entrepreneurs at stalls displaying products supported by both central and state government schemes. Among the attendees were Bihar’s Deputy Chief Minister Samrat Choudhary and Member of Parliament Sanjay Kumar Jha.
The day before, Sitharaman had hosted a credit outreach event in Darbhanga, where loans totaling Rs 1,388 crore were given to 49,137 people. Through these efforts, Sitharaman is not only advocating for the empowerment of women but also underlining the government’s pledge to support economic growth throughout rural India.
Last modified: November 30, 2024